Hot Trends (June 11-13, 2007)
What the world is searching Google Search
June 11: Top 10 search items
1. vince mcmahon
2. jake byrd
3. mr. mcmahon
4. sopranos ending
5. safari for windows
6. sopranos finale
7. lynda marie kirby
8. genarlow wilson
9. stack bundles
10. dover sole
June 12: Top 10 Search items
1. justin verlander
2. vince mcmahon
3. darren mack
4. global regents
5. catherine keener
6. regents prep
7. frankie abernathy
8. mr. wizard
9. chuck norris fact list
10. don herbert
June 13: Top 10 search items
1. black chicken
2. guatemala earthquake
3. perforated bowel
4. geoduck
5. thomas the train recall
6. what s orange and sounds like a parrot
7. zahra amir ebrahimi
8. hellfire caves
9. joy nash
10. christine dolce