Forbes' 15 Most Expensive Homes in the World

This villa in Beverly Hills, California is the most expensive home in the world, with a worth of $165 million, according to the latest list realeased by

Bran Castle in Brasov, Romania $140M

Updown Court in Windlesham, Surrey $138M

Hala Ranch in Aspen, Colo. $135M

Maison de L'Amitie in Palm Beach, Florida $125M
Tranquility in Lake Tahoe, Nevada $100M
Waterfront Estate in Istanbul, Turkey $100M
Eurasia in Moscow, $100M
Bishops Avenue in Hampstead, London $95M
Three Ponds in Bridgehampton, New York $75M
The Portabello Estate in Corona del Mar, California $75M
The Pierre Penthouse in New York $70M
Cap Ferrat in Cote d'Azur, France $65M
A home in Beldevere, California $65M
A palace in San Francisco, California $65M
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