Pinoy Big Brother Celebrity Edition 2: Mock Nomination Night
PINOY BIG BROTHER Celebrity Edition 2
Mock Nomination Night
November 18, 2007
Yesterday, PBB hosts Toni Gonzaga and Bianca Gonzales announced that there will be a new twist in the nomination process. Yes, there's indeed a new twist, when Kuya decided to have a mock nomination tonight, putting four nominees right away to test their strength of character for a week.
The said nomination is null and void, and only Mariel Rodriguez knows about it. The housemates and the nominees aren't aware of the mock nomination, more so of Mariel's departure this Saturday.
That means, no other housemate will leave on Saturday night, except for the celebrity houseguest Mariel Rodriguez.
So, probably, Big Brother really wants to play up with their emotions and test how they could get through with it.
Kuya decided to put the Geisler Brothers, Jon Avila and Riza Santos as mock nominees. Of these four, Riza is the one who's greatly affected, thinking it's indeed a real nomination for her and fearing she might leave on Saturday. She even weeped, telling the silent housemates that it means so much for her to stay inside the Big Brother house.
Riza went at the garden for a short while, then back inside to pray at the altar.