"100 Guy Secrets" on Candy Cuties Special

And in the same issue, those 100 certified cuties reveal their top secrets every girl must know. Oh yeah, every girl must know!
Star Magic 16 member Lance Christopher (left photo) leads the initial 100 Candy Cuties list.

Take note that the 100 Candy Cuties revealed on Candy Magazine's Boys Special issue this month is not the official list of Candy's Certified Celebrity Cuties for 2009.
The official Top 20 Candy Cuties, as determined via online and text votes conducted from July 15 to August 31 among the Candy readers and the discretion of the mag's editorial team, will be revealed on its October 2009 issue.
Sam Concepcion has been holding the #1 Celeb Cutie title by Candy Magazine for three consecutive years already (2006, 2007 & 2008).
hopefully, sam still wins this year! :)