Miss Universe 2010 interview videos are up! | Watch and judge the candidates!
The casual interview videos of the 83 Miss Universe 2010 candidates are now up on Youtube.Those video interviews are very important because they show the candidates' wit and communication skills, and possibly help us re-analyze our favorites list.
Watching the videos...I liked best the video of Miss Australia Jesinta Campbell. She's simply gorgeous and very charming. I just hope she really has that amazing personality even off-cam. (coz she ignores my messages on Facebook lol)
Watch her video:
Aside from Australia, I also love the interviews of Misses Albania, Bahamas, Brazil, Colombia, Dominican Republic, France, Haiti, Ireland, Jamaica, Japan, Mexico, Philippines, Puerto Rico, Russia, Tanzania, Thailand, Trinidad & Tobago, USA and Venezuela.
The rest of the videos can be found HERE.
As of this posting, the Top 10 most viewed videos there are the interviews of Venezuela, Thailand, Philippines, France, Korea, USA, Colombia, Mexico, Puerto Rico and Brazil.
While the Top 10 Most Commented videos are those of Venezuela, Philippines, Colombia, Mexico, USA, Puerto Rico, Brazil, Peru, Russia and Ireland.
Vote for your favorite Miss Universe 2010 candidates at Mykiru's Fun Poll