Jan-Jan Suan, binastos ka ba ni Willie? (video)

Jan-Jan Suan, the 6-year-old kid in the controversial March 12 episode of Willing Willie, was interviewed by TV host Cristy Fermin and was asked, "Ikaw ba Jan-Jan, binastos ka ba ni Willie Revillame?".

And Jan-Jan just shook his head, meaning NO.

(As people say, kids don't lie.)

Watch a video of the interview, which also features Jan-Jan's parents also getting interviewed by Cristy Fermin:

I hope it will be the last time that the parents will show Jan-Jan on TV.

I have a question for you guys: do you think Jan-Jan is already capable of understanding that question?

Video courtesy of ScaleTheTip

About M.I.

Mykiru is an entertainment blogger, having been named as one of the Top 10 Pinoy Showbiz Resources in the Philippines. For a decade now, Mykiru.ph has been delivering the latest, the hottest and most trending issues in the country.

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