Osama Bin Laden video and photos of death in Abbottabad, do they really exist?

"To see is to believe!" That's what people are saying to believe that al Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden is dead.

People from all over the world want Osama Bin Laden dead body photos, his burial video and a Bin Laden tape or the shooting video in Abbottabad compound in Pakistan.

But U.S. President Barack Obama is strongly against the release of Osama Bin Laden death photos.

CIA director Leon Edward already said in an interview, as reported on CNN, that it's important to release Osama Bin Laden dead body photos to erase doubts on the al Qaeda leader's death. He also said that it's most likely that one photo will be released but it's all up to the White House to make the final decision.

And the decision came. U.S. President Barack Obama has decided not to release the photos, and videos (including the Bin Laden's sea burial video).

In an interview with Steve Kroft for "60 Minutes", a news magazine program on CBS Network, Obama said that the release of Osama Bin Laden dead body photos, which he described as "very graphic", will pose threats to the national security of the U.S. and they might be used as a propaganda tool against the American government.

Obama assures everyone that it was really Osama who was killed because they did DNA sampling and testing to make sure that it was him.
Here's an excerpt from Obama's "60 Minutes" interview which will be aired this Sunday, May 8, 7 PM, on CBS:
STEVE KROFT: Did you see the pictures?


KROFT: What was your reaction when you saw them?

OBAMA: It was him.

KROFT: Why haven't you released them?

OBAMA: You know, we discussed this internally. Keep in mind that we are absolutely certain this was him. We've done DNA sampling and testing. And so there is no doubt that we killed Osama bin Laden. It is important for us to make sure that very graphic photos of somebody who was shot in the head are not floating around as an incitement to additional violence. As a propaganda tool. You know, that's not who we are. You know, we don't trot out this stuff as trophies. You know, the fact of the matter is this was somebody who was deserving of the justice that he received. And I think-- Americans and people around the world are glad that he's gone. But we don't need to spike the football. And I think that given the graphic nature of these photos, it would create some national security risk. And I've discussed this with Bob Gates and Hillary Clinton and my intelligence teams and they all agree.

KROFT: There are people in Pakistan, for example, who say, "Look, this is all a lie. Obama, this is another American trick. Osama's not dead."

OBAMA: You know, the truth is that and we -- we're monitoring worldwide reaction. There's no doubt that Bin Laden is dead. Certainly there's no doubt among al Qaeda members that he is dead. And so we don't think that a photograph in and of itself is going to make any difference. There are going be some folks who deny it. The fact of the matter is, you will not see bin Laden walking on this Earth again.

Do you agree with Pres. Barack Obama's decision not to release the photos?

About M.I.

Mykiru is an entertainment blogger, having been named as one of the Top 10 Pinoy Showbiz Resources in the Philippines. For a decade now, Mykiru.ph has been delivering the latest, the hottest and most trending issues in the country.