American Idol 2012 finalist Jessica Sanchez has more Twitter followers than previous "Idol" winners

Jessica Sanchez is not just only the most-watched American Idol Season 11 finalist, but she's also Season 11's most-followed finalist on Twitter.

Before the Top 5 round of American Idol Season 11, eliminated finalist Colton Dixon was the most-followed contestant of the season, followed by "existing" finalists Jessica Sanchez and Phillip Phillips.

But as of today, before the Top 4 performances, Jessica is now ahead of Colton, with close to 300k followers.

1. Jessica Sanchez (@JSanchezAI11) 284,371 followers
2. Colton Dixon (@CDixonAI11) 277,481
3. Phillip Phillips (@PPhillipsAI11) 258,207
4. Heejun Han (@HHanAI11) 132,296
5. Skylar Laine (@SLaineAI11) 125,069
6. Hollie Cavanagh (@CavanaghAI11) 91,256
7. Joshua Ledet (@JLedetAI11) 83,479
8. Elise Testone (@ETestoneAI11) 77,981
9. DeAndre Brackensick (@BrackensickAI11) 63,796
10. Erika Van Pelt (@EVanPeltAI11) 46,500
11. Eben Franckewitz (@FranckewitzAI11) 30,504
12. Shannon Magrane (@SMagraneAI11) 30,314
13. Baylie Brown (@BBrownAI11) 27,896
14. Jeremy Rosado (@JRosadoAI11) 22,726
15. Reed Grimm (@RGrimmAI11) 21,504

Notice that one Top 25 semi-finalist (Franckewitz) has more Twitter followers than Top 13 finalists Shannon Magrane and Jeremy Rosado. Even Baylie Brown, another Top 25 semi-finalist, got more followers than Jeremy.

Where's Jermaine Jones' Twitter Page? After he was disqualified from the show during the Top 12 round, Jones deleted his Twitter page @JJonesAI11. He soon opened a new account (@Iam_JJones), but it only has over a thousand followers as of Wednesday.

And this is more amazing, Jessica Sanchez has more followers than most of American Idol's previous winners, including Carrie Underwood and David Cook.

Actually, only 3 former "Idol" winners have more followers than Jessica and they are Kelly Clarkson, Kris Allen and Scotty McCreery. ©

About M.I.

Mykiru is an entertainment blogger, having been named as one of the Top 10 Pinoy Showbiz Resources in the Philippines. For a decade now, has been delivering the latest, the hottest and most trending issues in the country.