American Idol 2013 Top 10 Guys Performances

Last Tuesday night, we saw the American Idol 2013 Top 10 Girls - Adriana Latonio, Amber Holcomb, Angie Miller, Aubrey Cleland, Breanna Steer, Candice Glover,
Janelle Arthur, Kree Harrison, Tenna Torres and Zoanette Johnson - perform and compete for the viewers' votes which will bring them to the Final 10.

Watch the girls' performances again on this video:

My Top 5 from the girls: Angie, Kree, Candice, Amber and Adriana.

And on Wednesday's night episode, March 6, 2013 (Thu. AM, Mar. 7, MLA Time), it was the Top 10 guys' turn to perform in the American Idol 2013 semi-finals round.

They performed in this order:

Elijah Liu - "Stay"
Cortez Shaw - "Locked Out Of Heaven"
Charlie Askew - "Mama"
Nick Boddington - "Iris"
Burnell Taylor - "I'm Here"
Paul Jolley - "Just A Fool"
Lazaro Arbos - "Feeling Good"
Curtis Finch Jr. - "I Believe I Can Fly"
Devin Velez - "Sosmos Novios (It's Impossible)"
Vincent Powell - "End of the Road"

Watch video:

And based on the Top 10 guys' performances, my Top 5 are: Burnell, Curtis, Nick, Lazaro and Devin.

The results of the new American Idol voting system online called the "SuperVote" (viewers have 50 votes at once) will determine the American Idol 2013 Top 10 Finalists (5 Guys, 5 Girls), to be revealed during the Results Show, March 7, 2013.

Expect some surprising inclusions in the Top 10. -

About M.I.

Mykiru is an entertainment blogger, having been named as one of the Top 10 Pinoy Showbiz Resources in the Philippines. For a decade now, has been delivering the latest, the hottest and most trending issues in the country.