Rose Fostanes sings "My Way" at X Factor Israel finale | Rose 's girlfriend makes an appearance

Rose Fostanes has just performed "My Way" during the X Factor Israel grand finals happening right now, January 14, 2014 in Israel (early morning Jan. 15 MLA Time). (LATEST UPDATE: X Factor Israel winner is Pinay Rose Fostanes!)

In the Philippines, singing "My Way" in karaoke bars is often associated to killings or death, but Pinay contestant Rose Fostanes chose this Frank Sinatra as her finale song during the 'The X Factor Israel' grand finals. Will it mean a loss in the contest for this 47-year-old Filipino caregiver? Or will it mean a victory for her?

Rose was the last to perform among the 4 grand finalists, and true to the saying "save the best for last", she gave an outstanding and breath-taking performance of "My Way", the best of all.

All four mentors / judges gave her a standing ovation after her performance.

Watch her perform "My Way":

She was probably so inspired to perform after her sister, Nancy, and her girlfriend for 30 years, Mel Adel, both flew to Israel to personally be with her in that very special moment and show support for her.

Yeah, Rose is a lesbian. As revealed in her interview before the performance, Mel, who dresses up like a man already, is her girlfriend since she was 16. She means everything to her: a friend, a sister, a mother, a girlfriend.

The first to perform was Uri Shakiv (from the Boys category) followed by Eden Ben zaken (Girls), then Fusion (a group with 5 male members) and finally, Rose. Only Ori sang a Hebrew song ("תודה" or "Thanks"), and the rest chose an English song ("Only Girl", "Sweet Dreams", "My Way").

During the later part of the show, all 4 finalists performed with their respective mentors. Rose and her mentor sang together "If I Ain't Got You". Watch video!

Will Rose become the 1st X Factor Israel winner? Final results coming up.

About mykiru

Mykiru is an entertainment blogger, having been named as one of the Top 10 Pinoy Showbiz Resources in the Philippines. For a decade now, has been delivering the latest, the hottest and most trending issues in the country.