Cristine Reyes ' workout blamed for baby's premature birth
The confirmation came from Cristine Reyes herself when she posted an Instagram photo of baby Amarah just this afternoon, sharing that she gave birth last Sunday, February 8 (3 days after her 26th birthday), and that her baby is in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) receiving critical care.
queencristinereyes: "Meet Amarah! February 8th, Sunday our Amarah finally came to see it. She really was such a wonderful blessing. I fought for 2 weeks to hold her in. I've been put on total bed rest and wasn't able to sit, move and stand. Was on Heavy medication on my birthday and spent the day knocked out. I was Monitored every two hours for awhile. I was In and out of the delivery room. But then, time has come that Amarah wanted to see the world, in which, none can control. That feeling of love was instantaneously. However, she came a little too early than expected and now in need of critical care and assistance. It's hard to see her handled by different people in the NICU. I just hope and pray that she's well taken cared for. I realized that no one can beat the loving and tender care of a mother. Just got a little apprehensive when I learned that there was a one person visitor policy. It breaks my heart at the time when Ali and I have to leave the hospital without her in our arms. It's sad but we have to be strong. We've been fighting for our little angel and now she has to fight this alone."
Such a beautiful baby, as beautiful as her cousin, Ara Mina's baby Mandy born late December.
It took 5 days for Cristine to officially confirm the premature birth and share a photo of the baby. 2 days ago, she and boyfriend Ali just posted photos of themselves without the baby, though it already proved that Cristine already delivered the baby, 'coz in one photo, it seems obvious that her baby bump is already gone, with Ali describing Cristine as a "hot momah".
While we're no doctor to draw a conclusion from Cristine Reyes' prenatal behaviors that were possibly "risky", some netizens are blaming her workout, which might have been too intense, and led to the
baby's premature or preterm birth.
It was no secret that Cristine was exercising regularly during her pregnancy, and even shared last month pictures from her sweaty workout with Ali on Instagram, showing her big tummy.
Yesterday, in the pilot episode of 'Sports U', which was taped last month, Cristine and Ali were featured together, sharing about Cristine's workout to stay fit and healthy, to monitor her weight while pregnant.
Well aware of people judging her, Cristine defended herself on Instagram. She said it's unfair for people to say that it was her fault.
queencristinereyes: "If it were in my hands, I'd love for my daughter to reach full term. I did everything to make sure that she was healthy. I read books, seek advice from my in-laws, family, friends and professionals to make sure all was well. I just don't think it's fair when people judge me and saying that it was my fault. I plan to disregard NEGATIVITY in my life. My only priority right now is our little fighter. I actually don't really need to explain myself. Our baby is getting stronger everyday and we will be with her throughout the fight. She's our wonderful blessing. She will win this battle like a champ just like her father. My family and friends will be praying for our Amarah. Her Dad and I loves her so much! #Family #Ali #Ariane #Amarah #Blessed @alijoshua"
Cristine is right. Let's not make assumptions nor blame her for what happened, 'coz giving birth, most especially a preterm birth, is a serious case, and it's no joke. -